How Was "Captain Morgan Rum" Named?
From Wikipedia:

Captain Morgan is a brand of rum, named after the 17th-century Caribbean privateer, Henry Morgan (Even though the label of the bottle portrays Morgan as a "pirate", the man Henry Morgan himself was offended in his lifetime when people referred to him as a pirate. He always considered himself a privateer, which was basically a pirate that was paid and had a license to pirate from a certain country). Henry Morgan began producing rum in 1680 on the island of Jamaica. In 1944, the Seagram Company started producing rum under the name Captain Morgan Rum Company. In 1983, Captain Morgan Original Spiced rum was introduced to the United States. Captain Morgan is now produced by Diageo.
Technorati Tags: Captain Morgan, Rum, Alcohol, Fun, Trivia, Name, History, Drinking
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