Tuesday, September 12, 2006

How Was The "Associated Press (AP)" Named?

The Associated Press
The Associated Press , or, "AP" was formed in May 1846 by representatives of five competitive New York City newspapers, who wanted to pool resources to collect news from Europe. The driving force in its formation was Moses Yale Beach, publisher of the New York Sun, when he invited the other New York publishers to join the Sun in a cooperative venture in covering the Mexican-American War. The five New York papers joined in the agreement were the Sun, the Journal of Commerce, the Courier and Enquirer, the Herald, and the Express. Until then, newspapers competed by sending reporters out in rowboats to meet the ships as they arrived in the harbor. In 1849 it opened the first bureau outside the U.S., in Halifax, Nova Scotia, to meet ships from Europe before they docked in New York. In 1861, facing censorship in covering the American Civil War, reporters first filed under the anonymous byline "from the Associated Press agent." (Wikipedia)

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posted by Staff @ 8:53 AM