How Was "TWiT" Named?
This Week in Tech—officially stylized as this WEEK in TECH, casually referred to as TWiT, and formerly known as Revenge of the Screen Savers — is the flagship podcast of the network. A weekly podcast and videocast that features roundtable discussions and debates surrounding the latest technology news, it features several former hosts and cast members of the TechTV television program The Screen Savers, and is regularly hosted by Leo Laporte. Panelists include Patrick Norton, John C. Dvorak, Robert Heron, David Prager, Roger Chang, Doug Kaye, Kevin Rose, Wil Harris, Molly Wood, and other technology pundits.
This Week in Tech has been ranked #1 on Podcast Alley, Yahoo Podcasts, and the iTunes Podcast Directory, where it records around 315,000 downloads a week. It has also won two Podcast Awards: "Best Technology Podcast" and "People's Choice." TWiT is part of a surge of online technology-related programming from former TechTV employees. (Wikipedia)
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